Yep, I've been creating up a storm over here and the characters are just flying off the sewing machine
Ebay is under seller Oakridgeprims, here's a link to access this listing then you can click on See Sellers other items to get to the rest of them
and etsy can be accessed in the side margin of this blog, My ETSY Store is
rusty bed spring as a foundation and they are dressed in flannel robes with dirty felt hats. (cinnamon sprinkled is called grungy) It's a fun place to dwell in the Primitive World as you get to play with these little guys before someone takes them home. I love doing this, it just doesn't pay like it used to as people would rather buy junk made in China from Walmart or Target than to support a local Artist. So sad. I'm an OOAK Primitive Artist which stands for "One of A Kind" which means I create each and everyone of these from scratch without the use of a pattern so everyone of them are different with their very own little personality and even if I am making lets say 6 pair of Elf Shoes, they will all be different as well because you just can not duplicate something exactly, not ever
I'm going out tomorrow to try again to find a job even if it is only part time as I haven't figured out how to pay the rent and not work outside my home. In the mean time, I'll just keep talking to God and sewing until something better comes along . . . ♥
Till next time, many blessings this winter holiday season
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